Shot by Shot

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What is Shot by Shot?

Shot by Shot is a non-profit film festival ran biannually in Austin Texas, with a focus on underground and alternative filmmaking. There are so many talented artists making unconventional, unmarketable and sometimes uncomfortable films that have no platform to share their art with the world.

We are that platform.

We believe films that push creativity to it’s limits need to be seen. That’s why we started hosting screenings, and inviting filmmakers to come out and talk about their art. Currently we are only screening short films but would love to start hosting feature film screening soon. All proceeds will be donated to various organization that encourage independent filmmaking and provide resources for independent filmmakers.

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Got a short film that’s weird, dark, strange, or otherwise doesn’t fit into the constraints of mainstream cinema?

We’d love to feature it in one of our screenings.

Click the link below to submit your film.



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